Mobile Phone Emergency: #3333
Non-Emergency: (301) 405-3555
Address: Pocomoke Building (007), 7569 Baltimore Ave, College Park, MD 20742
UMD Alerts
UMD Safety Notices
Chief's Message

Welcome to the University of Maryland Department of Public Safety Website. On behalf of the men and women of our internationally accredited agency, thank you for visiting our web site and we hope that you take a few minutes to explore the information that is provided.
The mission of the University of Maryland Police is to serve the university community, protect life and property, and to enforce the law. The University of Maryland offers many resources and programs to complement the law enforcement initiatives of the department. I encourage you to explore this information located in other parts of our web site.
We are committed to the concept of community policing and work diligently to develop and maintain partnerships for improving the quality of life for our campus community.
We take the issue of campus safety seriously and we will continue to work in developing new programs to make our campus as safe as possible. I ask for the assistance and cooperation of every member of our community and invite you to join us by doing your part to protect yourself and your property. Together, we can make the flagship campus of the University of Maryland a wonderful place to attend classes, work, or visit.
Thanks again for stopping at our web site.
David B. Mitchell
Director / Chief of Police
University of Maryland Police Department